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The topic normalized impact factor

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Autoría Dorta-González, Pablo
Dorta-González, María Isabel
Fecha de publicación 2015
Fecha de depósito 2015

[EN] The journal impact factor is not comparable among fields of science because of systematic differences in publication and citation behaviour across disciplines. In this work, a source normalization of the journal impact factor is proposed. We use the aggregate impact factor of the citing journals as a measure of the citation potential in the journal topic, and we employ this citation potential in the normalization of the journal impact factor. An empirical application in a set of 224 journals from four different fields shows that our normalization, using the citation potential in the journal topic, reduces the between-group variance with respect to the within-group variance in a higher proportion than the rest of indicators analysed.

Materias UNESCO 120910 Teoría y técnicas de muestreo
120903 Análisis de datos
1202 Análisis y análisis funcional
Palabras clave journal assessment; journal metric; bibliometric indicator; citation analysis; journal impact factor; source normalization; citation potential.
Tipo Actas de congreso
En Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Scientometrics & informetrics
ISSI2015_Pablo_Dorta-Gonzalez_paper 2.pdf96 kB


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