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Porcentaje de artículos altamente citados: una medida comparable del impacto de revistas entre campos científicos.

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Autoría González-Betancor, Sara M.
Dorta-González, Pablo
Fecha de publicación 2015
Fecha de depósito 2016

[EN]This paper proposes an alternative bibliometric indicator for evaluating scholarly journals based on the percentage of highly cited articles in a journal. It compares such an index with the impact factor and the h-index by using different time windows and levels of citation that can determine when a document can be considered as highly cited compared to others of the same year and discipline. The main outcome of this comparison suggests that the best index for obtaining data distributions that are comparable between scientific fields is by taking the 20% citation percentile over a three-year time frame for considering citations.

Materias UNESCO 5701 Lingüística aplicada
1209 Estadística
Palabras clave Evaluación de revistas
Análisis de citas
Factor de impacto
Indice h
Percentil de citación
Tipo Artículo

Revista de Documentación Científica, Vol 38, N.3 (2015) ISSN-L 0210-0614

GonzalezBetancor_DortaGonzalez2016.pdf497 kB


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